Frequently Asked Questions

    • Frustrated by "normal" blood test results when you feel far from it?

    • Feeling constantly exhausted and drained of energy?

    • Trying to lose weight but stuck in a cycle of regain or hitting frustrating plateaus? Finding diets too restrictive and impossible to maintain long-term?

    • Struggling with peri/menopause symptoms e.g. brainfog, insomnia and anxiety?

    • Battling digestive issues, feeling bloated, and unsure what foods you can safely enjoy?

    • Looking for help with your autoimmune condition that goes beyond medication?

    • Not "ill," but feeling like your health isn’t where it should be?

    • Overwhelmed by conflicting nutrition advice and unsure where to turn?

    • Ready to make a change but too busy to figure out how or where to begin?

    If you answered yes to any of these, then I’m able to help. Please get in touch and we can discuss how I can help.

  • Yes, monthly payment plans are available on request.

  • I will always aim to work alongside your GP and other medical professionals involved in your care, writing referral letters where necessary, to reach the best possible outcome for you. Where appropriate, I will also recommend GP testing via the NHS. However, due to financial restraints, certain tests are not available on the NHS, and, where appropriate, I will recommend more comprehensive private blood testing.

  • This free 20-30 minute chat is a chance to talk about your health concerns, symptoms, what you’ve tried so far, and what you’d like to achieve with nutritional therapy. It’s also a good way to see if I’m the right fit for you before committing to a programme. I look forward to chatting with you.

  • This varies depending on the number and complexity of your health issues, how long you have had them, your wellness goals, what else is going on in your life, and how committed you are to your health optimisation plan. Some clients notice big improvements within a few weeks, while others may need months.

  • I offer health packages, as opposed to one-off sessions, since working through specific health issues, implementing changes, and seeing results takes time, especially where clients have been struggling with health concerns for some time. Once we’ve completed the package, I offer one off consultations if required. I also offer 7 Day Wellness Reviews

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more about how I can help, please book in an appointment for a free 20-minute discovery call below.Alternatively, please fill in the form below or email me at to arrange a free call or to ask me any questions you may have.